Sunday, November 23, 2014

social media

Many companies have created social media accounts to try and advertise for their company and or product.  They use websites such as facebook, twitter , instagram and youtube to advertise and gain many online followers. This can be an effective tool to the company's marketing team because it advertises and gets the company's name out more.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

price matching

Many companies use price matching to attract more customers to buy from them instead of their competitors. This can be helpful for some companies and hurtful to the competitors. I believe it is effective because it makes more customers attracted to buy from those companies.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Some companies offer a layaway service with their product. I think this is smart because it allows the consumer to purchase the item, just in payments by a certain time so that way they dont have to pay all at once. This is especially helpful to people during holiday season. This is a smart marketing choice because it allows people to feel secure in their purchase.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Free Trails

Many companies offer free trails to their products before you buy them to see if you like the product. Companies such as netflix, or even many fitness centers offer free trail periods to try their product. I think this is effective because it allows the consumer to feel safe with their choice and to feel freedom with their choices to further pursue the product.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


As I was going to workout the other day in the aquatic center, I passed the smoothie bar and it made me realize how good of a marketing tool it is for the store it is ran by. Alpha Nutrition is a workout supplement store in Cullman. They have the smoothie bar at the aquatic center and you can by all kinds of shakes and preworkouts and diffrent types of supplements by the scoop at the smoothie bar. It encourages people to buy the supplements from Alpha Nutrition.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dinner Time

There are thousands of cars that drive the interstates daily. Many fast food restaurants have placed their ads on billboards, advertising their restaurant with some enticing food on there, usually catching the drivers attention. This is a very smart marketing strategy because it makes people want the food they see on the billboard, and they know they can get it fairly close to them. I think this is a very effective strategy.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Movie Night

As I was watching tv tonight I noticed a lot of movie previews. This made me think about how effective of a marketing tool some movie previews can be. Without previews , some movies would never even be heard of. I believe that it is a very wise investment for movie producers to create previews and advertisements for their products.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Little Ceasars

The other day I was driving down the road when I noticed that there was a person on the side of the road with a sign in their hand. The person was slinging the sign up and down and side to side and it caught my attention.

When i got close to it, I realized that it was a Little Ceasars sign that said "$5 Hot and Ready Pizza!" I thought this was an example of  good marketing because it catches peoples attention as they are driving and everyone likes to save some money on food.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Planet Fitness

Im sure almost everyone has heard of Planet Fitness , the average Joes' gym. With prices set at 10 dollars a month and offering no "gym-timidation."

Their marketing is pretty effective, they want the average person to be able to come workout without feeling judged by their fellow gym members. Many people feel comforted by that and join right away.

Overall their marketing is pretty good , they bring in many customers and are a successful business. The only problem I have with Planet Fitness is that they claim to be a judgement free zone , but they single out the body builders aka "lunks" by sounding off a "lunk alarm" when some one drops a heavy weight on the floor , or if someone wears a cutoff shirt, or even brings in a gallon of water.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

ETP 265

Hi, my name is Corey Eskew and this is my blog book for my Entrepreneurial Marketing class.

I'm 22 years old with plans of opening a business or two of my own someday. I have a few ideas but nothing is set in stone just yet. Hopefully with the help of this class and a few others in my degree plan, by the time I graduate I will be certain of what I want to do!

I hope to learn a lot about marketing in this course, and I am looking forward to using what I learn in the future. Feel free to comment on this or any of my future posts, feedback is always helpful!
